Middle school curriculum and new videos coming in August!
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Module 4

Determine Your Big Goal

In this Module, Students will…

  • Generate specific project ideas to help determine the big goal 
  • Determine and Quantify a specific big goal by making it S.M.A.R.T.  
  • Determine their team project focus as it aligns with the big goal
  • If applicable, select a non-profit partner organization


  1. Determine Your Big Goal (30 Minutes) 
    1. ACTIVITY: Consider Your Big Goal as an Individual (4.A.1)
    2. TEAM ACTIVITY: Finalize Your Big Goal as a Team (4.A.2)
  2. Generate Project Ideas (30-45 Minutes)
    1. ACTIVITY: Project Ideas (4.B.1)
    2. TEAM ACTIVITY: Collaborate on Your Ideas (4.B.2)
  3. Make Your Goal S.M.A.R.T. (30 Minutes)
    1. ACTIVITY: SMART Chart (4.C.1)


  • Student Workbook – Module 4
  • Student Workbook Activity 4.A.1
  • Student Workbook Activity 4.A.2
  • Student Workbook Activity 4.B.1
  • Student Workbook Activity 4.B.2
  • Student Workbook Activity 4.C.1

Lesson A
Determine Your Big Goal

Estimated Time: 30 Minutes

Lesson Instructions

  • Now that your student team is created and they’ve increased their knowledge about the issue they selected, it is time to use an insight-driven approach to leading people and achieving goals. Using an insight-driven approach means using information from your research, personal experiences and the people you take with you to guide your Lead4Change Project.
  • Have your students answer the 3 questions on 4.A.1 in their Student Workbook. After they do, divide them into groups to discuss their answers.

Activity: Consider Your Big Goal as an Individual (4.A.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Encourage students to create big goals that are challenging, but also practical and can be achieved within the timeframe you have set for the project.
Consider Your Big Goal as an Individual

Lesson Instructions Continued:

  • Instruct students to share their thoughts and ideas with their team. Once all team members have shared, decide on the big goal your team will choose to accomplish. 
  • To determine your Big Goal, have students consider these questions:
    1. What kind of impact do you want to have in your school, community or the world?
    2. What kind of change do you want to affect and where? For example, do you want to increase the number of recycling bins in your neighborhood? Do you want to help stop bullying in your school? Do you want to help save endangered species around the world?

Activity: Finalize Your Big Goal as a Team (4.A.2 in Student Workbook)

Activity Instructions: 

  • Instruct Student Teams to finalize their big goal in their Student Workbook on 4.A.2. Everyone should record the same team goal as it’s essential that everyone be on the same page about the objective. Remember that leading is about creating a strong vision, but it is also about communicating that vision clearly to those you are taking with you! 
Finalize Your Big Goal as a Team


Lesson B
Generate Project Ideas and Project Development

Estimated Time: 30-45 Minutes

Lesson Instructions:

  • It’s time to develop service project ideas that will help them reach their big goal. In this Lesson, students will brainstorm project ideas then select an idea or ideas to execute. This is an opportunity to encourage their creativity and let it shine. Encourage your students to think outside the box and blaze their own trail.

Activity: Project Idea Worksheet (4.B.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Direct students to describe the project their team would like to select and write about it on 4.B.1 of the Student Workbook. 
    • Note: Students may want to write longer descriptions about their projects on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Inform students that they will continue to refine their projects during future lessons as new ideas emerge.
Project Idea Worksheet

Lesson Instructions Continued:

  • Ask students to form circles with their teams. 
  • Instruct students to share their ideas and decide on a project (or projects) they want to execute. 
  • Direct students to describe the project their team would like to select and write about it on 4.B.2 of the Student Workbook. 
    • Note: Students may want to write longer descriptions about their projects on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Inform students that they will continue to refine their projects during future lessons as new ideas emerge.
  • Make an effort to be a peripheral presence in order for the students to take leadership and ownership of this project development activity.
    • Note: A single class project may be easier to manage as an educator. If you’d like to have only one project, have each team share a big goal project idea and allow the class to vote on one project that the entire class will work on together.

Activity: Collaborate Your Ideas (4.B.2 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Direct students to read the directions on 4.B.2 of the Student Workbook.
  • Students will collaborate, sharing ideas of projects they came up with individually in order to tackle their big goal. They will narrow it down to the best project idea and two secondary ideas that could be used but don’t necessarily have to be. But you always need a back up plan! Remind the students that everyone brings different ideas and approaches to the table. What makes sense to one person, might not make sense to the other. Collaborate and share ideas!
  • Give students time to research their problem. This could require extended time outside of the classroom as they do internet research or speak with others who can give insight to the problem.
Collaborate Your Ideas

Lesson C
Make Your Goal S.M.A.R.T

Estimated Time: 30 Minutes

Lesson Instructions:

  • To keep your team focused on achieving your big goal, you will now help them specify the goal by making it a S.M.A.R.T. Goal. The S.M.A.R.T. Goal framework is found on 4.C.1. in the Student Workbook and will help your team visualize, write, and talk about your goal. 

Activity: S.M.A.R.T.  Chart (4.C.1 in Student Workbook)

  • Have students individually complete the S.M.A.R.T. chart on 4.C.1 of the Student Workbook. Then have students compare their answers and revise as necessary. Once they’ve shared their ideas, have them write one complete sentence that encompasses their S.M.A.R.T. goal. 
      • Example: The five entry benches at our school will be sanded and painted by our team by November 10.
S.M.A.R.T. Chart


Module Wrap Up

Repeat the key idea: Setting goals and making them S.M.A.R.T. will help guide your team to execute on your big ideas. Having specific metrics to accomplish will inform how you create your action plan and execute the project that will make a real impact in our school and community.