Middle school curriculum and new videos coming in August!
Module 5 icon

Module 5

Create Your Action Plan

In this Module, Students will…

  • Develop a detailed action plan that will serve as the guide to their service project 
  • Identify potential barriers that they will encounter along the way and how to overcome them
  • Identify who needs to be involved outside of their team and assign the roles on the team


  1. Create an Action Plan (45-60 Minutes) 
    1. VIDEO: Create Your Action Plan
    2. TEAM ACTIVITY: Create an Action Plan Worksheet (5.A.1)
    3. TEAM ACTIVITY: Define Team Roles (5.A.2)
    4. ACTIVITY: Define and Examine Your Role (5.A.3)
  2. Identify Potential Barriers (30 Minutes)
    1. ACTIVITY: Anticipate Hurdles (5.B.1)
    2. TEAM ACTIVITY: Define How We Win Together (5.B.2)
  3.  Create A People Map and Assign Team Roles (30 Minutes)
    1. TEAM ACTIVITY: Create People Map Worksheet (5.C.1)
    2. ACTIVITY: Reflect on People Map (5.C.2)


  • Student Workbook – Module 5
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.A.1
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.A.2
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.A.3
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.B.1
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.B.2
  • Student Workbook Activity 5.C.1
  • Students Workbook Activity 5.C.2

Lesson A
Create an Action Plan

Estimated Time: 45-60 Minutes

Lesson Instructions

  • Say: It is one thing to say you want to do something; it is another thing to back your words up with action. Now that we have communicated a clear vision of what we want to accomplish and how we will achieve it, the next step is to put a structure in place that will make it happen. In this lesson, you’ll identify where you are going and what you want to accomplish. 
  • Play Video:  “Create Your Action Plan”
  • Instruct students that it is now time to create an action plan. The action plan includes the tasks that need to be completed, the deadlines for each task and the person responsible for making sure each task is completed.
Create Your Action Plan

*Click here to open this video in another window.

Team Activity: Create an Action Plan Worksheet (5.A.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Think about the tasks that are needed to complete your project, who will perform those tasks and what unique skills you can offer to the team. Work with your team and create a list of tasks to complete.
Create Your Action Plan
5.A.1 - *Include with project submission


Team Activity: Define Team Roles (5.A.2 in Student Workbook)

Activity Instructions: 

  • Select a student to read the directions on 5.A.2 of the Student Workbook.
  • Give students time to divide up the tasks and assign who is responsible for each task. Be sure students assign tasks to people according to their interests and skills.
  • Have students create a working document that they revisit to make updates as they progress through the lessons (Google doc, poster boards, large chart paper, etc.)
Define Team Roles
5.A.2 - *Include with project submission


Lessons Instructions Continued

  • Once teams have created their action plans and defined the individual roles of each team member, direct students to respond to the questions about their specific role(s) on the team. This can be found on 5.A.3 of the Student Workbook.
  • Give students time to share their reflections with their team members. This open communication will help students improve upon their action plans and to ensure that all members are performing to their greatest potential.
  • Finally, have the students examine their own roles as individuals and get clear on the tasks they must complete. Each team member has to know what is expected of them and what winning looks like. If one team member doesn’t have that accountability, the project can fail and the people you’re serving will suffer.

Activity: Define and Examine Your Role (5.A.3 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Have your students complete the reflection questions on 5.A.3 of their Student Workbook.
Define and Examine Your Role


Lesson B
Identify Potential Barriers

Estimated Time: 30 Minutes

Lesson Instructions:

  • Say: Even the best-made plans will have hurdles or obstacles. Teams often get stuck on an obstacle without realizing there are usually ways to overcome those barriers. The best leaders don’t stay stuck but they look at these obstacles with a positive mindset and find a way to overcome them! 
  • Look back at your Lifeline (Module 1, Lesson 1) and notice how positives often follow a negative. That’s the story of our lives. The same is true when working with a team to achieve a goal. Many times you’ll face hurdles, but by working together to find a way to overcome them, you become stronger and more equipped to reach your goal. 
  • Take a moment to predict a few of the action plan hurdles that may arise as team members begin their starting steps. By anticipating what the obstacles may be, you will be better equipped to handle them as a team.

    • Consider the hurdles of communicating when team members are in different locations. How will you overcome them? Or if bad weather interrupts an event you’re planning for the outdoors? What if a key team member is sick and unable to deliver their part of the project? What if you realize halfway through that your Big goal is too Big or…too small!? These are just some of the barriers that you could encounter.

Activity: Anticipate Hurdles (5.B.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Invite one student to read the directions on 5.B.1 of the Student Workbook. Then allow students the necessary time (we recommend 10 minutes) to complete and discuss the chart on page 5.B.1 of the Student Workbook.
  • After students think through barriers that they might encounter, have them share with their teams. If time allows, have a few students share with the entire class.
Anticipate Hurdles


 Lesson Instructions Continued:

  • Say: As a leader on your team, think about creating a culture that makes people feel supported and appreciated. Just as you created a vision for your Lead4Change project, create a vision for how your team will operate and interact with one another.

Activity: How We Win Together (5.B.2 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Challenge students to create a vision for how your team will operate and interact with one another and then invite the team to share those statements with one another. Then have them complete the How We Win Together Statement on 5.B.2 of the Student Workbook.
How We Win Together


Lesson C
Create A People Map and Assign Team Roles

Estimated Time: 30 Minutes

Lesson Instructions:

  • Say: If a leader creates a vision but doesn’t believe it can be done, then people are not likely to follow. If you have a vision, you also have to have the belief as a leader that you can accomplish it with the people you bring with you!Think about the people you will need, who you’ll need to get buy-in from and who will be interested in helping you reach your big goal. 
  • A People Map is a tool to help you visualize and identify who you need to take with you in order to accomplish your big goal. This People Map will include every key stakeholder you’ll need to influence in order to achieve your mission.

Activity: Create a People Map (5.C.1 in Student Workbook)

  • Direct Students to create a People Map as a team by using the activity on 5.C.1 of the Student Workbook.
  • Each team should now have a completed People Map and know who they need to involve along the way in order to find success. This is a great tool for accomplishing any project! It helps you to plan well and be inclusive while you make your journey to success.
Create a People Map
5.C.1- *Include with project submission


Lesson Instructions Continued:

  • Now it’s time to reflect on that People Map to make sure your students understand the importance of it. Have students individually complete the People Map Self-Reflection on 5.C.2 of the Student Workbook.

Activity: People Map Self-Reflection (5.C.2 in Student Workbook)

  • Have students read the directions on 5.C.2 in the Student Workbook and then complete the work.
People Map Self-Reflection


Module Wrap Up

Repeat the key idea: Remember – it’s impossible to get big things done without taking people with you. This is your secret ingredient to accomplishing your big goal and making an impact in our school and community. When you tap into each team member’s unique gifts and abilities, you’ll accomplish bigger goals than you ever thought possible!