Middle school curriculum and new videos coming in August!
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Module 2

How to Work With a Team

In this Module, Students will…

  • Explore the importance of building trust among team members in order to achieve success as a team 
  • Develop a list of characteristics that are important for building a successful team
  • Discover how their talents and abilities and the talents and abilities of their team members can help make big things happen
  • Your Lead4Change Team must have a minimum of three students in order


  1. Build Trust with Teammates (45 Minutes)
    1. IN CLASS ACTIVITY: Trust Discussion (2.A.1)
    2. IN CLASS ACTIVITY: Team Building Game
  2. Get To Know Your Team (30 Minutes)
    1. VIDEO: Unleash the Power of People
    2. ACTIVITY: Get To Know Your Team (2.B.1)


Lesson A
Build Trust with Teammates

Estimated Time: 45 Minutes

Lesson Instructions

  • Say: It can be tempting to do everything yourself, but to achieve big goals as a leader it is important to bring others along with you. Nobody achieves success alone! You may be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your faith in other people. They will do things they didn’t know they could do, they will become more invested in their work and they will rise to the occasion. All of this begins with trust. Here are some ways to establish trust with members of your team.
  • Remember: A Team must have a minimum of three students.

Activity: Trust Discussion (2.A.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • Read the instructions in the Student Workbook then have the students discuss in their teams or as a class.
Trust Discussion

In Class Activity: Team Building Game
Activity Instructions

  • Conduct a team building exercise to practice the core ideas of T.R.U.S.T that we just discussed. 

Here are 3 examples, however any team building activity will do:

  • Have students get in circles of 4 or more. Have students cross their arms across their body and hold the hand of the person next to them on either side. Once everyone is linked together, they must try and untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. 


  • Get a tennis ball. Everyone sits in a circle. They must pass the ball around the circle without dropping it, but they may not use their hands. Try the exercise in a large group and then a smaller group. Compare the success.


  • Complete the “Dog, Rice, and Chicken” puzzle by acting out the following scenario: One person plays the role of the farmer, and the other team members are the villagers. The farmer has a dilemma: he has a dog, some rice, and a chicken. He needs to get across a river to get home, but can only carry one item at a time. He cannot leave the dog alone with the chicken because the dog will most likely eat the chicken, and he cannot leave the chicken alone with the rice because the chicken will eat the rice. The villagers must help the farmer come up with a solution. If your team is large, you can create multiple villager teams; then the winner is the team that comes up with the fastest and the least number of boat trips across the river.

Lesson B
Get To Know Your Team

Estimated Time: 30 Minutes

Lesson Instructions:

  • Play Video: “Unleash the Power of People” for students.
  • Start the Get To Know Your Team Activity (2.B.1 in the Student Workbook)
  • A Team must have a minimum of three students.
Unleash the Power of People

*Click here to open this video in another window.

Activity: Get To Know Your Team (2.B.1 in Student Workbook)
Activity Instructions

  • For the best results, each team should have 4-5 students. (In order to submit your project to Lead4Change for a chance to win funding for your project, your team must be at least 3 students.)
  • Direct each team to sit in a circle and follow the directions for this activity. Have students review their personal My Lifeline and 3×5 Card to answer independently questions 1-4 on 2.B.1 of the Student Workbook. Then, the teams will discuss the answers to these questions before individually answering question 5 in Activity 2.B.1 of the Student Workbook.
Get To Know Your Team


Module Wrap Up

Repeat the key idea: Teamwork is going to be important throughout life, and as you work together to complete your Lead4Change project. Remember that teamwork begins with trust, and getting to know each other is the first step to building that trust. This will help you bring your strengths to every activity you complete and build up your teammates along the way.